Allegion Cards & Credentials - Schlage Prox and Smart Cards

Product ID: Schlage Credentials Vendor: Allegion

Allegion offers reliable and affordable proximity and smart technology cards and credentials for physical and logical access control systems. ID Connection distributes ​Allegion's portfolio of Schlage (formerly XceedID and aptiQ) cards, clamshells, key fobs, tags and wristbands.

  • Schlage Proximity
    Proximity credentials for facilities with less demanding security needs. XceedID® proximity credentials are a cost effective solution, and are able to interface with many industry leading proximity readers.
  • Schlage MIFARE®
    MIFARE® is a secure and cost effective smart credential technology option available from Allegion. aptiQ™ smart cards using MIFARE® technology provide the choice of 2.5k bits, 1K byte (8k bits), or 4K bytes (32k bits) of storage to meet the most demanding data storage requirements.
  • Schlage MIFARE DESFire™ EV1
    MIFARE DESFire™ EV1 is the highest level of smart credential technology available from Allegion. This credential technology utilizes extra layers of security protection – mutual authentication, AES 128-bit diversified key encryption, and message authentication coding (MAC), giving the highest security in the industry to each transaction between the contactless smart credential and reader.
  • Schlage Multi-Technology
    Particularly useful during a transition from proximity technology to smart technology, this card can be read by both proximity readers and smart readers​.

    Note about product information requests/items of interest:
    Your request will be sent to a regional sales representative for an immediate follow up with you.
    If you are an end user, we will connect you with a local ID Connection dealer.

    Request a Quote

    There are three ways to get more information on this product and to receive a custom quote:

    1. Add this product to your "items of interest" cart and send the request
    2. Use our online form
    3. Call our toll-free number: 888-697-6286
    No minimum order requirements