Allegion offers reliable and affordable proximity and smart technology cards and credentials for physical and logical access control systems. ID Connection distributes Allegion's portfolio of Schlage (formerly XceedID and aptiQ) cards, clamshells, key fobs, tags and wristbands.
- Schlage Proximity
Proximity credentials for facilities with less demanding security needs. XceedID® proximity credentials are a cost effective solution, and are able to interface with many industry leading proximity readers.
- Schlage MIFARE®
MIFARE® is a secure and cost effective smart credential technology option available from Allegion. aptiQ™ smart cards using MIFARE® technology provide the choice of 2.5k bits, 1K byte (8k bits), or 4K bytes (32k bits) of storage to meet the most demanding data storage requirements.
- Schlage MIFARE DESFire™ EV1
MIFARE DESFire™ EV1 is the highest level of smart credential technology available from Allegion. This credential technology utilizes extra layers of security protection – mutual authentication, AES 128-bit diversified key encryption, and message authentication coding (MAC), giving the highest security in the industry to each transaction between the contactless smart credential and reader.
- Schlage Multi-Technology
Particularly useful during a transition from proximity technology to smart technology, this card can be read by both proximity readers and smart readers.
Note about product information requests/items of interest:
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If you are an end user, we will connect you with a local ID Connection dealer.