ID Capture Devices & Software

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  • badgepass-reader

    BadgePass SmartReg

      SmartReg is an automated enrollment system, that allows you to populate fields on your computer screen with one swipe of a card. SmartReg is designed to take data from any card with machine readable data, and populate it into your enrollment form or forms by simply swiping the card through ...
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    • 572173-001

      Entrust 572173-001 Tru Signature Solution

        Entrust (formerly Datacard) Tru Signature Solution makes it easy to capture any user's signature electronically and incorporate it into a photo ID for an additional layer of security. The fully integrated Tru Signature Solution includes everything you need to capture, store or print electronic signatures. Integrates easily with ​Entrust ID ...
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      • datacard signature pointe

        Entrust 572177-001 Signature Pointe Solution

          ​Entrust (formerly Datacard) Signature Pointe solution includes everything you need to capture, store and print electronic signatures. The rugged signature pad features an interactive LCD that allows users to see their handwriting as they sign, minimizing the chance of errors. The integrated Signature Pointe software, part of the ​Entrust Capture ...
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        • Signature Pads

          Evolis Sig100/Sig200 Signature Pads

            Sig100 and Sig200 signature pads are ideal for: Government and administration services : identity documents, registration forms Businesses : contracts, personnel management and visitor management Financial services : opening accounts, taking out loans Retail : payment confirmation, customer loyalty programs Health : admission documents, medical records Tourism and leisure : ...
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