Search results for "Evolis"

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  • Evolis Avansia Retransfer Plastic Card Printer

      Avansia is a Retransfer technology card printer for very high quality card delivery. Designed for rigorous use, Avansia is extremely robust and provides high security card issuance.  Capable of issuing more than 140 single-sided color cards per hour, it is ideal for card issuance in medium and large quantities. General features Dual-sided ...
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    • Evolis Badgy 200 Plastic Badge Printer

        The Evolis Badgy200 fulfills all your needs for graphic personalization and instant card production, as single cards or in small batches. Badgy200 allows you to print your own cards instantly and completely independently. Print your badges as you need them – as single cards or in small batches. In addition, a free card template library is available online, where you can personalize the template ...
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      • Evolis Elypso Plastic Card Printer

          Elypso is a great front-desk card printing system with a compact foot print that incorporates eco-friendly design. With the same print engine as the Primacy printer, near-photographic print quality resolution makes your cards ideal for transit passes, loyalty cards, healthcare cards and more. All this is possible with a very ...
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        • Evolis Pebble4 Plastic Card Printer

            DISCONTINUED - See model Zenius Powerful and reliable, the Evolis Pebble4 card printer answers your single-sided ID printing needs, from small card jobs to printing in volume. You can print high resolution texts, logos, pictures, signatures and bar codes in a few seconds. Optional magnetic stripe encoding, smart card encoding and contactless ...
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          • Evolis Primacy 2 ID Card Printer

            Evolis Primacy 2 ID Card Printer

              Use the Primacy 2 ID Card Printer, a high-performance card printer, to create your own cards with an appropriate level of security with double and single sided printing options.  ​Evolis Distributor ID Connection is a distributor of ​​Evolis Primacy 2 ID card printers. We offer competitive pricing, fast turnaround and nationwide shipment on most ...
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            • Evolis Primacy Plastic Card Printer

                Primacy is a high-end printer that is easy-to-use, flexible and fast. When loaded with the Evolis cutting-edge encoding technologies, Primacy turns into the ideal solution to issue cards. Single- or dual- sided printing module available and standard 100 card capacity for both input hopper and output hopper.  Print up to 210 ...
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              • Evolis Quantum 2 Plastic Card Printer

                  A powerful system to personalize plastic cards in volume, the Evolis Quantum2 ID card printer matches the flexibility of a desktop printer with the power of an industrial machine. The Quantum 2 delivers more than 1,000 personalized cards per hour in monochrome and more than 150 card per hour in color. ...
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                • Evolis Securion Plastic Card Printer

                    The Evolis Securion dual-sided ID card printer personalizes and laminates color or monochrome secure badges on-site. This compact printer offers dual-sided operations on both the color-printing module and the lamination station. A protection film is applied over the surface with hot roller technology, after the graphical and electrical personalization process. The ...
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                  • Evolis Tattoo2 Re-writable Plastic Card Printer

                      Evolis Tattoo2 ID Rewrite (RW) ID card printer ideally meets the needs of organizations with low volume badging needs. The single-sided Tattoo2 prints monochrome or color ID cards. Sleek and with a contemporary look, it's the most compact plastic card printer in its category. Evolis Distributor ID Connection is a distributor of Evolis Tattoo2 ID card ...
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                    • Evolis Zenius Plastic Card Printer

                        The Evolis Zenius is the one-stop solution to print high-quality single-sided ID cards, in monochrome or color, and encode technology cards, in single or small runs, for a variety of applications: employee badges, access control badges, payment cards, transportation passes, and more.  Equipped with state-of-the-art printing technologies, the Expert version of Zenius ...
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